

Dear reader(s):

It has just now come to my attention that yesterday was Friday the 13th.





  1. yes, i meant to thank you for the tips. Thanks! The coconut milk has been the best part, but tom hanks wasnt lying in the movie "cast away" when he said that coconuts are natural laxatives...ill say no more bout that. We are spending the weekend cooking and prepping food for the week so hopefully it will go better.
    That being said, i hope you are feeling better. well, as good as you can feel at this point anyway.
    by the way, if you have never tried, becky and i made home made potato chips lastnight and it was nice to have something salty and crispy and all that.

    yukon gold potatoes, sliced and tossed in olive oil, seasoned with non iodized salt and fresh pepper. flatten out on a baking pan and bake at 400 degrees for 10-12 mins. take off the sheet and put on a bakers rack or maybe even a paper towel to let dry. season more to taste and enjoy!
    (this last part isnt perfect as the baking time isnt long enough, and the chips tend to stick to the pan or foil so they are difficult to dry....but after 3 days of trail mix it was great anyway)

    again I hope you are doing well, and if you need to vent or just want someone to listen, just drop me a line or find me on my blog or facebook or whatever you want to do.

  2. Ooh. Good idea. I might try those.

    And actually, natural laxatives might not be a bad thing given that constipation can be a side effect of hypothyroidism. How's that for too much info, eh?
