
Cancer Limbo

Dear reader(s):

Well, I promised you updates, so here goes:

Biopsy was today. It went fine. This was my third so I'm pretty much used to them at this point. I was, in fact, filling out paperwork beforehand and had some trouble fitting in my answer to the question "List any other biopsies/surgeries in the affected area along with dates and hospital names". If I were Jeff Foxworthy the joke here would be, "You know you're a cancer patient when...your list of past procedures looks more like a novel than a list".

Or perhaps more cleverly worded than that. But you get the idea.

Anyway, the whole thing was pretty routine. They found the lymph node they were looking for (sort of behind my right lower jaw area), stuck me nine times with a needle, sent me home. The radiologist told me before she left that she'd gotten a quick look at about half of the samples and hadn't seen anything yet that looked cancerous. So...so far so good I guess. Official results probably won't be in until tomorrow afternoon, but we explained my situation and the doctor said she'd try to get them done as soon as possible.

Until then, we remain in Cancer Limbo. My absolute favorite place to be, where birds sing and flowers blossom, and candy gumdrops rain from the sky. Ah, Cancer Limbo. Just one of the many scenic Sick World destinations for you to choose from. Or, actually, not choose, because you're stuck in Sick World whether you like it or not. It's like the Hotel California, but less fun and without an awesome song.

So, dear reader(s), that is all I have to tell you until tomorrow. I would send you a "Wish You Were Here" postcard, but that would be cruel.


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