
Short but sweet

Dear reader(s):

I've been meaning to write more about my low-iodine diet, and I will, but I only have about five minutes as I shuttle between minimum-wage jobs, so for now you will merely receive a hastily composed haiku:

Oh, dieting sucks.
So many foods that tempt - yet,
I am a rockstar.

(copyright 2010)

- RG


  1. im only about a month removed from my thyroidectomy and bilateral neck dissection and i still have little to no voice. Im wondering how long it took yours to come back if it has at all.

  2. thanks for getting back to me, dont worry about long comments, at this point, i welcome and and all information. This feels awkward for me to ask, but i would love to find you on facebook, or get an email address to converse with you. im not savvy enough to find that info here on blogger. You can find me at facebook/nick.blackhall if you are so interested.

    again, thanks for everything, and I wish you the best on your recovery
