
PET prep.

Dear reader(s):

Sorry for the updating delay. My boyfriend has been here in town with me for the past few days so I've been running him around trying to show him all the fun things my hometown has to offer. Who knew that could take up three whole days?

Anyway, we found out on Friday morning that the RAI scan didn't show any uptake anywhere. So now I have a PET scan scheduled for tomorrow morning. The good news is that after the PET, no matter what happens, we'll be able to set up a plan of action. If nothing shows up, we go ahead with the RAI treatment dose as initially planned and I guess hope that my TG level was a fluke. If something does show up, then we...deal with whatever it is however is best.

What exactly is a PET scan, you ask? I'm not quite sure how well I understand it still, but I know it involves me being injected with some sort of sugar solution which may or may not contain some sort of radioactive isotope - no, not radioiodine - and then waiting for about 45 minutes for it to uptake in my blood before they scan me in a Positron Emission Tomography scanner. The actual scan used to measure blood flow, oxygen, and metabolism. When combined with the imaging technology of a CT, as it commonly is, it is extremely effective at detecting microscopic cancer mets. So if there's cancer hanging around anywhere in my body, the PET/CT scan will find it.

Tonight I have to eat a dinner that's high in protein and carbs and avoids sugars (for the sugar solution, obviously), and then nothing but water til after the scan tomorrow. Like I need any more dietary restrictions, right? *Sigh*

On a related note, yes I am still on my diet and off my meds. Obviously if the PET is negative and we go ahead with I-131 treatment I need to still be hypo and iodine free for that, so...the fun continues.I have pretty much accepted the fact that I will never eat normal food or feel like a normal human ever again. The funeral for my tastebuds and various brain cells will be next Wednesday, I hope you can all make it.

Although I've been happy with my endocrinologist thus far, my parents and I are considering getting a second opinion about all this. Especially if the PET scan does show any weirdness.  Sometimes it just helps to get a fresh perspective on an issue. Plus I'm thinking that since my case is pretty rare and unusual at this point it would benefit me to be seeing doctors who are more accustomed to such cases than my local endocrinologist - however good she is - would be. We've been looking at the endocrinology experts up at Mayo Clinic in Rochester and have heard good things, so I might be taking a trip up Minnesota way sometime soon. Plus I'll get to hang out at Mayo like a real cancer patient and earn me some cancer street cred. Respect, beeyotches.

Waiting is almost over, everyone. Look out for answers coming tomorrow or Tuesday - I'll try to update this as soon as possible but I also have to contact my various places of employment and a few specific people that I've promised to personally inform. Keep your eyes peeled and your brains ready to be crammed full of more medical jargon than you ever really wanted to know. RG-style.

Ready to be PETted,

1 comment:

  1. Anna, I made you some of my delicious "dilly" beans with beans from my garden and kosher salt. They are great in bloody marys! Tell your mom to find you some pure tomato juice. I didn't send them along friday because I wasn't sure how long you would be on the no iodine thing, but I will pack them up and send them today. They are yummy, if I do say so myself and better the longer they marinate. A bit of love in a jar. We are thinking of you, sweetie. Aunt Diane
