
Done with PET

Dear reader(s):

PET scan is done. Was pretty easy. At this point I'm so used to being injected with things and stuck in giant circular devices that it really doesn't phase me anymore. I think sometimes I actually freak the radiology people out with my college t-shirts and nonchalant attitude. "Yeah, I'm 22 and you're putting me inside a huge camera. What else is new?"

I'm just glad that this is the last test for awhile and we're finally about to get some answers.

 Although there's nothing about my images that needs analysis by anyone except my endo (as opposed to biopsies, ultrasounds, or RAI scans which need to be interpreted by a special radiologist), hospital bureaucracy is such that there will probably be no news til tomorrow. Possibly late today at the earliest. So sit tight reader(s). As always, you'll know what I know once I know it.

Knocking on wooden things,

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