
Minnesota Misadventures


Radioactive Girl has arrived in Rochester. Unfortunately, I almost did not arrive at all. Last night's travels got pretty crazy. I'll explain:

My mother and I had tickets on a flight from O'Hare to Rochester that was supposed to leave at 7:30 pm last night. We were waiting at the gate, and at 7 pm, when we were supposed to start boarding, they told us we were going to be delayed another half hour. Okay, fine. Unfortunately, this kept happening every half hour until 9:30. Mom was checking the weather in Rochester and we knew there were some intense storms going on, so we assumed our flight would be delayed for a few hours. However, at 9:30 they told us that it was canceled.

The airport folks were telling everyone that they could switch to the flight leaving for Rochester at 7:40 this morning. My appointment with the Mayo endocrinologist was at 6:45. Via basic subtraction we can see how this is a problem. After berating and begging various O'Hare employees, my mother and I finally managed to get on a 10:30 pm flight to Minneapolis, which is only about an hour and a half north of Rochester.

At the Minneapolis airport we had to rent a car. It was around midnight by then, and there were several people in line ahead of us due to the canceled Rochester flight. My mom decided we should ask the man in front of us if he was going to Rochester and if we could ride with him and pay for half of the rental car. He agreed, so we set off for Rochester with our new friend Kyle. After an hour and a half trip in a monsoon-like rainstorm, we finally arrived at the hotel at 2 am.

Keep in mind, reader(s), that I had been asked to fast before my Mayo appointment, so I hadn't been able to eat anything since 7 pm. Needless to say, I was not in an awesome mood.

I got about three hours of sleep and then we headed to Mayo Clinic. Oh my golly, it is huge. And fancy. And full of people. Everything was very well organized, even though we did have to wait a long time to see my doctor. We didn't get back to the hotel until about noon, and then my mom and I finally got to sleep for awhile.

I'll discuss more details about my Mayo visit in another post tomorrow. I'm scheduled for an ultrasound and afterwards I'll know more about the direction I need to go as far as treatment is concerned. Stay tuned for more Mayo Mishaps and Minnesotan Misadventures, as well as more pointless alliterations.

Hearts, stars, and horseshoes,

1 comment:

  1. Sorry to hear about the troubles. Im anxious to hear about how everything goes for you. Keep your head up!

    p.s. keep up the alliteration also. Its working for you.
