
Higher Education

Dear reader(s):

Apologies for the lack of updates lately. I have two excuses:

1. I am super crazy busy. Two jobs is two too many.
2. There isn't much to report. Mostly because all my time is spent at my two jobs and no one wants to hear what goes on at my jobs because it is boring. I could tell you, reader(s), about the nine and a half avocados I cut up last night during the salad rush, but do you care? No. I wouldn't care either if I didn't still smell like avocado.

Anyway, I thought I'd post since tonight is my first class as a graduate student, and being in a writing program makes me feel guilty for having neglected to write in this blog. Wish me luck and a sympathetic professor!

The only thing to report cancer-wise is that we set the date with Mayo Clinic. My appointment is the 23rd. And also I now have cancer patient street cred because I'm a Mayo patient. So anyone who didn't previously think my cancer was legit better quit frontin', yo. I'm for realz now, beeyotches.

Okay, class time now. More updates as I have more free time (yeah right).

Under-educated and overworked,

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